Celebrating Women’s History Month and Women’s Empowerment!

Women are excited for more reasons than just one! We kick off this month by celebrating WOMEN.  This is our month, and although we should not wait until just March to celebrate, nonetheless, here we are with March marking the national observance of Women’s History Month.  If that is not exciting enough, March 8th is International Women’s Day, a day that not only highlights and celebrates powerful women and their achievements, but also seeks to bring awareness to the issues that still exist for women around the globe.

Women from all walks of life are continuously creating history by recognizing their potential and becoming more empowered everyday.  Women’s equality has also come an incredibly long way, making tremendous strides of progress throughout the years.  Figuratively speaking, women have gone from just looking through to breaking the “glass ceiling” that separated them from the unique challenges they faced compared to men in the workplace.  And now, in the most recent years, we hear of more and more women making strides professionally and “shattering the glass ceiling.”

Women are no longer seeking the proverbial corporate key, but are launching their own businesses and carving out their own pathways to success by creating atmospheres for themselves that allow them to be more flexible in supporting the needs of their personal and professional lives.  Gone are the days of women walking into the unforeseen glass barrier that has awaited us for so many years, we are now seeing the glass pieces shatter as we walk through to empower ourselves and balance the playing field.  We know that there is still much work to be done, however the advancements that women have made in recent history cannot be ignored.

This Women’s History Month, take time to celebrate all that women has accomplished. Here are a few snapshots of women who have made strides in 2014, check out Women Shattering Glass Ceiling, Reaching New Heights in 2014. Help continue the movement by recognizing some of the wonderful women in your lives that not only influence and motivate you but others as well to be empowered every day. By the way, make sure you stop by and post a comment recognizing your Powerful Woman.  We would love to hear from you!

#BuildingPowerfulWomen #WomensHistoryMonth #Empowered

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Hillary Clinton with Diane Sawyer Interview 6-9-14

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June 11, 2014 · 9:32 PM

WTF? Walmart Asks Employees To Donate Food To Coworkers For Thanksgiving (PHOTO)

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Filed under Roslyn Ridgeway

Michelle Obama to tout women candidates

By Emily Goodin 10/24/13 10:15 AM ET
Michelle Obama will be touting female candidates next month at an event for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC), a sign she may be helping more women run in 2014.

The first lady will be in New York to address the Democratic Women’s Senate Network policy conference, The Hill has confirmed. The group, chaired by freshman Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), is an arm of DSCC, which has several women running for the upper chamber in 2014: Natalie Tennant in West Virginia, Alison Lundergan Grimes in Kentucky and Michelle Nunn in Georgia.

Most of the 17 female Democratic senators are expected to attend the luncheon, which will double as a fundraiser. Ticket prices range from $250 to $50,000, according to The New York Times, which first reported the news.

It’s a rare move for the famously non-political first lady. Obama did get involved in the Massachusetts Senate special election, campaigning and fundraising for now-Sen. Ed Markey, and stumped for Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe, but her campaign appearances for candidates other than her husband are limited.

She has been a strong fundraiser for the party. A planned West Coast swing was canceled during the government shutdown, but she is expected to join President Obama in his post-shutdown fundraising blitz, including an event in Washington for the Democratic National Committee.
This Friday, the first lady will address the Women’s Leadership Forum National Issues Conference in Washington.

Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/fundraising/330349-michelle-obama-to-tout-women-candidates#ixzz2igNbtjKO

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Recognizing where you are and where you want to be!

BPW Foundation's Women Misbehavin' Blog

By Kelly McCarthy

During my 25 years in the beauty industry, I never would have thought that I would become the Leader I am today. This industry has provided me with the life skills needed to be a better person, daughter, sister, employee, leader and mentor.

My role as a mentor began naturally as I began leadership early in my career. I displayed qualities of leadership that others saw in me. I didn’t see them however. I was thrust into many decision making positions and I did my best based on “common sense”. However I found that my “common sense” and another individuals “common sense” are very different and my experience began as a “Trial by Error” leader. Then I found my mentor!

I have since learned to manage my intentions and focus on what I want or need my end result to be. As I began to learn new…

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